
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Like sand through an hour glass.. so are the days of our lives....

Well, we made it through the holidays safe and somewhat sound. I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas and is looking forward to the new year. I couldn't have asked for a better christmas. Everyone was happy, kids were happy, family was happy, no arguments, no drama anywhere. So nice!  We had a white Christmas for the first time since 1947 here in NC. The snow was definately the icing on the cake for a perfect christmas. I spent alot of time with family. Got a little tipsy Christmas night....OK, ALOT tipsy...and had a great time "playing" in the snow. FYI, my brother-in-law is a bad influence hahahaha ;).  We took some great pictures and I will share a few.......

So I'm excited about the new year, I guess. I mean this would be the first year I don't have a "resolution". It's always the same every year..I'm going to lose weight. Well I have (slowly) been doing that all year and don't plan on stopping now. I don't smoke.. I rarely drink, so I'm not really sure what I could "resolute" for 2011. WOW....2011. Can you believe that. CRAZY!

Yeah, this was definately a boring post... so I will not continue the torture. Happy New Year to all and be safe. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE~!

1 comment:

Ready or Not said...

I enjoyed it....I always love to hear how everyone's christmas has gone.