
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brought to you by the letter P....Pist off.

OK,  I'm on a soapbox today and I feel ranting and raving brewing frantically in my mind. I have been going insane waiting  to get to this computer so I can "vent". SO, on that note, I must warn you... I am not responsible for the words that flow from my fingers for when on my soapbox, I know not what I do. *YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED* >..<    
So to get my day started,  Gabbi calls me from school saying I need to bring her different pants because they aren't allowed to wear jeans (uniform policy) and if I don't bring her some she will not be able to go on the field trip and I will NOT get my $$ back. Ok, first of all.... I dare you to keep my kid from the field trip and not refund my $$. We were in Concord at the courthouse taking care of a ticket 
(( yeah that's another issue with me ))  when she called so I'm trying to get to the school before they leave for the field trip. The whole way there I'm (to my husband) blessing Gabbi out for wearing "jeans" when she knew she wasn't supposed to. I had already made my mind up... she was grounded from the phone tonight for disobeying school rules. Well, I get to school and Gabbi & a teacher meet me in the hall in front of the office. The teacher is all "Oh I'm so sorry but they can't wear jeans, it's in the rule book" OK fine I understand that. But I look at Gabbi's pants...and they are NOT denim. Oh Heck to the no! So I grab Gabbi's leg and say, quite sternly, to the teacher..."THESE are NOT jeans". Then the teacher says "well, they can't wear leggings either, I will go get the book if you like". (( No biotch, I don't need a dang book)) So, I say "THESE are not leggings either...these are skinny pants..there is a difference" All the while having Gabbi's poor leg in my hand as I'm waving her "jeans" around ( sorry honey). I lost that battle, Gabbi had to change...but there is a moral to this story. #1 Don't let the kids wear their regular clothes if you are going to inspect the fabric with a magnifying glass and make them change anyway. Keep the uniform policy for all events at all times. #2 Get with it and learn your fashion & materials LADY so you don't look like a stupid a$$ when a parent comes and literally points out your ignorance. I hope Gabbi is having fun on her field trip, and doesn't forget her "jean leggings" at school!  <3  Sometimes it's great to be ghetto!!
As if that lovely scene wasn't just grand, a little issue we have been having always pinches the most evil nerve I have. Actually it's quite a large issue...I will just say this. Ignorant, spiteful, hypocritical and just plain old dumb people should think twice about pro creating. This world can only handle so many dumb a$$es - so butter my butt & call me a biscuit, but I think it's pretty much at capacity so.... Don't go away mad... just GO AWAY!! (( my mom used to say that all the time )) 
My husband is such a trooper... when something gets to me, or makes me mad, I harp on it FOREVER. He just smiles and nods "yes honey, I know honey". He's the best. But he also knows, as do many people... I don't forgive easily...and i NEVER forget. So if you crossed me 15 years ago...I still remember and I still think about it and I will throw it up in your face, just so you know that I still remember-- chances are that I have forgiven you by now.. or maybe not. Guess you will know that one next time we cross paths. LOL I know the teacher was just doing her job, i KNOW that.... but it still ticks me off because she was wrong and wouldn't fess up to it. And this other "issue" ... well, mamma always told me if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all...... so my mouth is shut. God knows, and karma is a b*!ch......
Ya know, I have been told numerous times that I can insult you without you even realizing that I just insulted you. (That trait came in very handy at my former place of employment.) Sad thing's not an insult when it's the truth.
Whew, I sure feel better now. Crazy how a little venting can be so therapeutic.

until next time......
Anger ventilated often hurries toward forgiveness; and concealed often hardens into revenge.  ~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

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