
Thursday, December 9, 2010

To stink or not to stink---that should be the question

I did some Christmas shopping today, mostly for stocking stuffers. Why is that such a brain teaser for me? I mean really, stocking should consist of candy coal, fake dog poop and a toothbrush..right? I can walk the aisles in the store 2-3 times, looking at each item on the shelves, pick something up, put it back, pick it up , put it back, etc. Now keep in mind I have 5 kids a husband and 2 boyfriend's that I stocking... so this could be an all day project if I didn't keep an eye on the time. OK, I just read that sentence...let me clarify, I don't have 2 would be the boyfriends of 2 of my daughters, Kayla & Bailee. So anywho... It just baffles me how I let a simple thing like stockings stress me. I'm weird, period.
So as I'm obsessively pondering each item and making that life changing decision to purchase that deodorant as a stocking stuffer or not, I find myself watching other people and what they buy. See, told you I was weird. I have to say, some of the gifts people give , would definately be regifted if given to me. Oh wow, now everyone knows I regift. well, I don't do it often, but yes, I have done it. Probably not to you..but I've done it. And I know someone has regifted to me too. I know this because the gift they gave me for my birthday one the same gift that I gave them for Christmas just a month before. But that opens up a whole 'nother stress box knowing that I had given a "regiftable" gift. Oh well, at least I thought enough of them to even give them something, right.
I'm totally all over the place in this post, but that's ok.... I know you have the intelligence to follow along ;-)
And please tell me...why why WHY don't people care about their appearance & hygeine when they go out in public. OMG, if you smell like a dead sewer rat who rolled around in an ashtray and are wearing clothing that look like they came straight from the dumpster.... please stay away from me. I have a weak stomach and your stench is triggering my gag reflex.  Poor/rich doesn't have to equal DIRTY, really ... it doesn't.  And my God, if you can clearly see that your kid has snot all over his face, PLEASE wipe I said, weak stomach.  ((See, I didn't stereotype. ;-) ))
I don't know, I just have a thing about does a body good, I promise.
OH... I have an update.. turns out those "jean leggings" that Gabbi had to change out of at school today,that caused me to show my butt in the hallway ...WERN'T EVEN HERS! Unbeknownst to me, the little twit had traded pants with a friend when she got to school, and her friends pants that she was wearing were the inappropriate pants.... The pants Gabbi wore out of my house, were just fine. So yeah, I was a but peeved about that.

until next time.....
Thank you for Not Smoking.  Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure.  It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs.  This takes place without my consent.  I have a pleasure, also.  I like a beer now and then.  The residue of my pleasure is urine.  Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?  ~Sign from Ken's Magic Shop

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