
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reflecting back.... Happy Birthday.

Being such an emotional person drives me absolutely INSANE! I cry at freaking everything..seriously. I caught myself in tears yesterday looking through old pictures of my oldest daughter, realizing that in just 4 short days she will be 20 years old! No longer a teenager, no longer a child, no longer dependent on her momma. (( It brings me excitement to know that I'm 1 down 4 to go however! )) So let's  reminice about that day and the days and years following. 
Tuesday January 23rd , 1991 at 9:50 am I gave birth ( by c-section ) to a beautiful 9 lb 1 oz baby girl .
( c-section beause she was breech... she came into this world showing her a$$..and nothings changed. lol ) Her namesake is unique,to me anyway...back then I was a dedicated addict of the soap opera, Days of our Lives.. So for those Days fans out there, you can clearly see where 'Kayla' & 'Hope' came from. My mother, Patricia Ann, passed away on April 7,1990. I concieved Kayla at the end of April 1990. She never knew she was going to be a grandmother, therefore I honored her legacy by including her name in my daughter's name. God took my mother so he could bless me with my daughter, all in the same month. So therefore, we have Kayla Patricia Hope Childress.
I was a teenage mother, just 5 days shy of 19. Never in my life have I been more scared,excited,nervous,and shocked than when I delivered that little girl. I..ME...was now a mommy. I had such a great support system though, my parents, Kayla's dad's family, my siblings... all pulled together and we survived =)  Kayla was definately the center of attention. And to this day.. she is still the center of attention no matter where she goes. (same goes for her 2 little sisters). She is the first grandchild on both sides, so you can imagine ... she walks on water, according to her Mimi & mamaw's. Kayla became a big sister when she was almost 4, how she loved Bailee.. and today, they are the best of friends. (Thank God, I had to sleep with one eye open for fear they would murder eachother  while the other was sleeping lol) When she was 8, she was a big sister for the second time... Gabbi was very fragile so Kayla didn't get to enjoy her as much at first.. but she was a big help. And today...Gabbi is SOOOO Kayla's clone! Both of her sister's love her so much and look up to her .... So remember Kayla, little eyes are always watching you. ;)
At 10 years old.. Kayla gained 2 little brother's ( that she always wanted) and the BEST BEST step-dad in the world! Although in the very beginning, she wouldn't let Robert near, they have a very special bond, and I am SO thankful for that.
Kayla was a good baby, a good kid...although she would definately have defined 'brat', only because she was,and is, so spoiled. =) and looking back now, a good teenager. From the day she was 16.. she has held a job, maintained her grades in school and graduated in 2009 with a seal of  Honor, and is now working full time at Metrolina Greenhouses with her  Step-dad and 2 Uncles. My little baby is now a beautiful, independent, young woman and I think we did a wonderful job raising her, as well as her sister's and brother's. We have 5 GREAT kids who we couldn't be any more proud of. Each of our children are an individual with different qualities that make us so proud of them. Every one of them give us a reason to smile.  (yes, I'm patting us on the back)
Kayla, Robert & I are very proud of who you have become and wish you nothing but happiness. You have a strong will and are such a go getter. Thank you for showing me so many things in life, that without you, I may have never seen. You are a product of me and I am happy to say that you are my daughter. We wish you a very Happy Happy Birthday, but remember... you will always be our 'little' girl! And I will always be your MOM.. so sorry my dear, the nagging will never stop & I'm SUPPOSED to get on your nerves, it's in the handbook =D!

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