
Thursday, December 23, 2010

You couldn't pay me enough......

Ya know, there really is no amount of money in the world that would make me want to go back to my teenage years. Don't get me wrong, I had a ball... but the hurt and heartache of being a teenage girl "in love". No thank you! I really hate watching one of my girls just go through crap with a boyfriend. It bothers me that there's nothing I can do about the situation, nothing I can do to make her feel better, nothing I can do to change things. All I can do is just sit back and watch and that drives me insane ( control freak in me ). However, I do explain my views and opinion in a non criticizing way, atleast I try. I try to make her see, from my own experiences, the whole picture. Show her what the outside world sees.  I see SO much of me when I was that age, in her. It's actually very concerning to me because I want her adult  life to start off on a completely different path than mine did. I took the long way around to get to the  place in life where I am today. I want them to go straight to that place and skip all the crap in between. I have no regrets, because everything got me here today, but like I said...I took the long way! I have never hid anything from my girls. They probably know more about my life than they should, but I want them to learn from my mistakes and experiences so they don't make the same. I know they will live and learn. I just wish, the learning part wasn't so painful for them. I try to understand and I try to remember what shes feeling like, but then I get so aggrivated because i know what the outcome will adventually end up being, and I just want to protect her and completely avoid the incidents that will happen between now and then. But, as a mother who DOES remember what it was like to be that age, as hard as it is, I try not to interfear and just let know that I do rememeber and that I am here for her... if she chooses. I guess we all go through the same things.... they don't say "love is blind" for no reason. I just hope, for their sake,as adults that they don't allow love to blind them to the obvious. My girls deserve the world and more ( and I'm not speaking just in a materialistic sense), and if a man can't provide them that...well then, they aren't worthy of my daughter's heart...PERIOD! So my dear, if you are reading this...... pray & dig deep in your soul, you will find the answers. Noone,ever, could love you more than your momma!

untill next time......

“Adolescence is that time when I think, it can be- it's the cruelest place on Earth. It can really be heartless.”

~ Tori Amos


SurfCityMimi said...

ALL TRUE!!!! Unfortunately, girls never learn until they have babies of their own. This I know from a personal experience. From the time mine were babies, I told them each and every day, "nobody will ever love you like your momma does"....When my oldest had her first baby, I naturally went to stay with her for a week to help out and, at week's end, as I was readying myself to leave, she held onto me as if she wasn't going to let me go and cried and said, "momma, now I know what you meant when you told me all those times....I FINALLY get it!" SO, while we can't learn from our mother's mistakes, we CAN know that they love us unconditionally and without reserve and NO ONE loves us like our momma's do!

Kerrie said...

I'm sitting at work crying...and yes, they do DESERVE all the best that life has to offer them. They already have a great momma!