
Monday, May 23, 2011

Know it or not, there was a reason....

It's been a while since I have braved the blog.... last blog was Feb. WOW!  So you may find your self all over the place and a bit dizzy with this blog then, consider yourself warned.  ;-)
Alot has gone on in the last few months, but then again to most it would be alot of nothing so I'm not even going to bore you with details of teenage drama, family drama, and well just drama in general. you are welcome.

It seems everything truely does happen for a reason. Regardless of what it is or how devestating it may seem or even how wonderful it is... it is all placed in your life for a reason. As most of you know I have been unemployed for close to 2 years now. It has been all fun, fine and dandy, I have been enjoying my time at home, I have been here for the kids when they need me...which is CONSTANTLY! ( I think teenagers are much more dependent on mom than babies/toddlers...and of course the tantrums are much worse )
Unemployment money has been coming in every week like clock work...all has been good on the homefront. Well my unemployment was cut off without fair warning... I filed one week like normal and BAM there it was... a nice big message in red stating as of April 16,2011 EB benefits in NC will no longer be paid out. WHAAAAAAT ?!
Now those of you that know me also know that I am an obsessive worrier... I worry about absolutely EVERYTHING if it's the slightest bit off track. I worry to the point of making myself physically ill. Things are supposed to be a certain way and if they are disrupted in anyway, Im a stress filled bomb. So, needless to say I was freaking out about losing that money. I prayed and prayed and prayed ( I don't do that often, but find myself doing it ALOT lately). Naturally, when I found out I will no longer be getting a weekly check, I went crazy applying for jobs. Everything from movie theaters to grocery stores, hospitals, if they were looking for help.. I sent them a resume'. Nothing..nothing...nothing..... ( I had been applying the whole time per ESC requirements, but not seriously) Now it was serious. The first Tuesday with no check rolled around.... my stress level was higher than it's ever been about anything. I was applying different places daily, every minute of the day it seemed. I have no formal skills, I have no education beyond high school.... I do however have tons of customer service experience. So just maybe that will trigger someone's interest, right? Well... midweek of my first no-pay week I get a call with an invitation to come for an interview. REALLY??  This kind of luck just does not happen to me, ever. I was so excited, but nervous as all get out.. ( remember I'm an obsessive stresser/worrier) so just imagine..... It was a long interview, point on direct questions, alot of open ended questions,I was myself and answered honestly and did not put on a front of any sort. The interview went well, so well they scheduled me for a 2nd interview with peers a week later,  called me 3 days before the 2nd interview to say I was going to be bypass the 2nd interview and jump straight into the employment process. OH YEAH!  I felt very proud of myself, I have no idea how many canditates were interviewed, but this was for 1 position only... and they picked ME! So I have been to orientation and I officially start training Thursday this week, the 26th. After a week of training and 2 weeks of peer shadowing, I'm on my own. :-)
I am now, an official member of the Carolinas Healthcare System family. I will be providing all patients & patient's family  who enter the CMC -Northeast's Emergency Dept.  with the highest level of care and customer service, as their patient registrar. :-D   Call it fate... call it prayer, but I now know that my unemployment ended so rudely so that I could open the door to the next chapter in my life.

There are several other things that have happened recently to prove this point but they don't all end on such a happy note ( RIP~ R.D.C) .... just know, that no matter what happens in your life...there IS a reason behind it all...wheather it be to get you motivated towards something, teach you a lesson, or get your priorities in line.... know there are no mistakes.

Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good, for those that love God and are the called according to His purposes. So everyday I wake up and say “I will trust You today”. No matter what may come my way. Things do happen for a reason.

1 comment:

Ready or Not said...

Congrats on your new job, I am sure it is a change for the entire family not having you to take care of them 24/7 anymore. Oh and I LOVE the verse at the true as hard as it may be to believe some days.