
Monday, February 7, 2011

Well,  today is day 5 that Roxy has been in the 'doggie hospital' for her fight against Parvo. It has been a VERY stressful weekend for us knowing we couldn't go see her. We took our 2 Yorkies to the vet Friday and had them checked out and updated with all of their booster's and tests. They are fine =). 
We have bleached this house from one end to the other and washed everything Roxy touched with bleach. All that's left is the yard.. yes, we have to bleach that too. 
We declined a superbowl party last night for fear of being carriers of the virus, we knew there would be people there who have puppies too young to be we chose not to take that risk. Hopefully they understood.
Well, Robert and I went to visit her Friday night after all the kids went to their mother's/father's. She looked so pitiful in that little cage. I know she was happy to see us. She put her little nose up to the cage .. but she didn't lick us.. shes a big time licker, so that made me sad. Of course, I cried again and many times since. She did vomit while we were there =(  But it made me feel better seeing her. 

So the updates were so so over the weekend... still vomiting/diarreah. Saturday's update left me feeling a bit uneasy, but Sunday's update made me feel a tiny bit better. Today's update was somewhat promising. She's alot perkier and active today... no vomiting, and she was offered food for the first time since thursday...and ate it! Now to see if she will keep it down. If she's able to hold it down, they will start her on oral med's and hopefully those will stay put as well. I'm feeling a little better about her recovery, but it's still iffy. I'm definately getting very nervous about the bill though.... I wonder if the animal hospital accepts BCBS  - LOL. This has got me looking into pet health insurance. Call me crazy... but I need to know I can provide my little guys the care they need without having to sell a child to pay for it... ya feel me.
I know I'm obsessing over this.. but those of you who know me, know that I stress and worry about everything anyway.  If something is out of whack... it comsumes my brain 24/7. Doesn't matter what it is... and it's even worse if I have zero control over it. Crazy. But, I love my poochies and that will never change. 
So I thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart,  who has sent up prayers for Roxy. Just for you to take time from your life to think of us...means so much. =) Keep praying, and hopefully we will have her home this week!


Unknown said...

Stacey I am so glad that you got good news today. She is going to get better all of the prays are working. I will still pray fr her and may God be with all of you!!

Love, Sherri

Unknown said...

Stacy I dont leave alot of comments but trust me when I say that I have been keeping up with your Post about Roxy progress, and it just breaks my heart, you know that my Dogs are truly my children so my heart goes out to you. I kept one of the puppies from my Great Dane litter and He is just broke out with Sweetness! I love him so much when he was 5 months old he was having problems with his hips and went lame and couldnt walk, the vet said they believed that he had hip displasia gave him pain meds and put him on bed rest for 2 weeks but I thought all along that he got hurt at the dog park playing with his friends and I think I was right because he is much better now and just turned 8 months old and 125lbs LOL. just keep the faith and I know Roxy is going to be A OKAY! she knows yall love her and she gonna fight this so she can come back home to ya. But Im gonna send up my prayers just to make sure :0) . Love ya and miss ya we need to get together someday soon.
PS. The pet Insurance is well worth it !