
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ask and you shall receive!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.. it worked! We were able to bring Roxy home last night =)  She fought the Parvo ..and she won-- YAY! And boy was she glad to see us, as we were her... so happy that she pee'd all over the place at the vet , and in our car LOL. (Thank God for the invention of Clorox clean-up) I have to say, I never in my life want to go through that crap again! She's still not 100% back to her normal self, but she's close. I think once she's off this restricted prescription diet and can eat normally.. she will be her same ole pain in the butt self again.  So I won't harp on this anymore and I thank those of you, again, for your thoughts and prayers and putting up with my obsessivness over this for the last week. =)
(( If we are Facebook friends, then I know you got your fill!--- sorry)) 

A big shout out  to Cabarrus Animal Hospital for keeping it real with us, constantly communicating updates and doing what they needed to do to get her through this.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.  ~Ben Williams

Monday, February 7, 2011

Well,  today is day 5 that Roxy has been in the 'doggie hospital' for her fight against Parvo. It has been a VERY stressful weekend for us knowing we couldn't go see her. We took our 2 Yorkies to the vet Friday and had them checked out and updated with all of their booster's and tests. They are fine =). 
We have bleached this house from one end to the other and washed everything Roxy touched with bleach. All that's left is the yard.. yes, we have to bleach that too. 
We declined a superbowl party last night for fear of being carriers of the virus, we knew there would be people there who have puppies too young to be we chose not to take that risk. Hopefully they understood.
Well, Robert and I went to visit her Friday night after all the kids went to their mother's/father's. She looked so pitiful in that little cage. I know she was happy to see us. She put her little nose up to the cage .. but she didn't lick us.. shes a big time licker, so that made me sad. Of course, I cried again and many times since. She did vomit while we were there =(  But it made me feel better seeing her. 

So the updates were so so over the weekend... still vomiting/diarreah. Saturday's update left me feeling a bit uneasy, but Sunday's update made me feel a tiny bit better. Today's update was somewhat promising. She's alot perkier and active today... no vomiting, and she was offered food for the first time since thursday...and ate it! Now to see if she will keep it down. If she's able to hold it down, they will start her on oral med's and hopefully those will stay put as well. I'm feeling a little better about her recovery, but it's still iffy. I'm definately getting very nervous about the bill though.... I wonder if the animal hospital accepts BCBS  - LOL. This has got me looking into pet health insurance. Call me crazy... but I need to know I can provide my little guys the care they need without having to sell a child to pay for it... ya feel me.
I know I'm obsessing over this.. but those of you who know me, know that I stress and worry about everything anyway.  If something is out of whack... it comsumes my brain 24/7. Doesn't matter what it is... and it's even worse if I have zero control over it. Crazy. But, I love my poochies and that will never change. 
So I thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart,  who has sent up prayers for Roxy. Just for you to take time from your life to think of us...means so much. =) Keep praying, and hopefully we will have her home this week!

Friday, February 4, 2011

She has what?

I NEED A CIGARETTE! No, I don't smoke (anymore)... however I sure could use one right about now. If stress were money, by God I'd be a bazillionaire!

So my 3 girls have been sick sick sick this week. I have purchased enough Nyquil/Dayquil to take a nice sticky bath in it, if I wanted to. Steady 102 F temperatures, the moaning & groaning, coughing, vomiting ( love the new bright red masterpiece on your carpet Gabbi... gives your room that special touch) running back and forth between rooms all day long...juice..meds..thermometer..juice..humidifier..cold rags.. get the picture. All the while arming myself with a can of Lysol in one hand and Clorox clean up in the other trying to disinfect so the rest of us don't get "it". I'm calling it..."it" because the doctore seems to have no idea what "it" actually is... so she named it "flu's cousin". OK, I didn't know the flu had a family tree. But whatever. So today they are feeling better... they want to go to school but I prefer they don't. So I told them if they were up to it in a little bit... I would take them in late. Gabbi only wants to go so she can go to her Valentines Day dance after school.. not a good idea. Bailee just wants to see her boy, who is also sick. So I'm glad all that mess is swept under the rug now.... still praying HARD that the boys, robert and myself  DON'T get blessed with the illegitimate cousin of the famous flu.( damn inbreeding )

So Robert and I decided many years ago to not have children together....the 5 between the 2 of us was plenty. So instead of pro creating to express our love... we get dogs. We've had lots of dogs over the years..always having to rehome the big ones for different reasons. Our St. Bernards tore everything up. ( Still love the big crack in my kitchen picture window because Sophie was a freak when it came to storms) The nice chewed up wall that Dozer left me is just beautiful,! ( finally getting around to fixing that soon )
not to mention the back deck...he chewed that whole dang thing. Zeus, our blue dobie, he was a sweet baby.. however he did not like my nephew (who is scared of any dog big or small)  and he would make me very nervous when my nephew was around. So I was not willing to take even the slightest chance with him.
My husband has always wanted a rottweiler. We all know the stereotype they carry. I did alot of researching and self educating  and after talking with a friend, whos had a rottie for many years, I decided that I would get him a rottie puppy for Christmas. So, one day while he was at work in the beginning of Oct. I found a puppy, and surprised him with her. Today we know her as ROXY.  I have never been so attached to a dog as I am Roxy. She is the sweetest thing. We definately can feel the love from her. Well Roxy fell very ill yesterday and I took her to the vet. X-rays showed no obstruction in her intestines ( she had eaten a WHOLE frozen (old)  london broil that I had accidentally left out when I cleaned out the big freezer...packaging and all) I watch the Animal Planet show "My dog ate what?!" alot.. so of course I'm thinking her intestines are all tangled up with the wrapping of the meat and she's going to need emergency surgery. (Like I can afford that) So I was very happy to hear the X-rays looked good. THEN the ball was dropped....they tested her for parvo, and she was positive. My heart sank.. Parvo is a canine killer. But she has been vaccinated so I just didn't understand. And it turns out that Rotties, Dobies and other black & tan dogs are very prone to Parvo and have a hard time fighting it. So needless to say, Roxy is now quarrantined at the vet with IV fluids and antibiotics. That's all they can do for Parvo. There is no drug that will kill the virus. As I sit there in tears at the vet, I'm talking to her and loving on her and demanding that she pull through this and come home to us..she looked up at me with those sad little puppy eyes, as if she was telling me she knew this was the end. So of course I have been a wreck ever since. I'm hearing from alot of people with positive outcomes who's dogs have survived parvo... so I haven't given up yet. I should be getting an update from the vet this morning, anytime now. I have 2 Yorkies as well, so of course any slightest out of character behavior I'm seeing from them, I'm thinking they have it too. They are 5 years old and the vet told me usually a dog over the age of 2 has an immunity to it. It's more of a puppy illness. More stress... wonderful. I type this, the vet called. No vomiting or diarreah throughout the night (good)... she was offered water but was not interested at all (not so good)  they are going to switch her meds around noon and try offering her water again. She is standing up and moving around however, I was told not to get my hopes up because sometimes they seem better..and then............  :'(
So it's just a waiting game of pins and needles now... everytime the phone rings my stomach flips. My friend made a comment to me yesterday...why is it that someone can tie a dog to  a tree and throw food out to it once in a while, never make it part of the family or give it the first shot and it's fine. But when you love your dog like a child, and treat it like royalty... this happens. Another fact of proof that life isn't fair. And the good seem to be the ones who suffer.

So, just pray for our Roxy girl... I pray that her suffering be done.... either way, I just don't want her to suffer.